
The Crater Boys are characters inspired by "YAOKI", which is supported by the "to the moon project", a group of friends interested in space.

"YAOKI" Yes, it's a robot.

The owner is remotely controlling the Crater Boys from Earth.

And the round eyes of the Crater Boys staring at the moon's surface are the eyes of the owner, and their expressions and actions are the owner's own.

The Crater Boys experience various roles, missions, work, and play, including exploration on the surface of the moon, and can be said to be "the existence that will lead the dramatic progress of mankind" and "the evolutionary form of mankind."

Imagine the Crater Boys popping comically out of the crater!

Along with the evolution of YAOKI, the Crater Boys will also evolve, and as humanoid robots, we will enjoy the lunar surface innocently and brilliantly in the future.
Dreaming of such a future together! Support us!

Yoshinao Miyokawa
Jituso Suetugu
Pascal Rosier
Akane Sadamatsu
Member Name